Monday, February 12, 2007

Long day yesterday ....

Ughhh one of those days that started on the wrong foot right away. Hubby ended up in a very bad mood very early in the morning. Not quite sure why, but it sure ruined my day as the mood ended up being directed at me.

We are going to be crazy busy on Valentine's Day since it's Wacky Wednesday. We were supposed to celebrate Valentine's Day yesterday instead by going to dinner. Needless to say, it wasn't all that much fun. He went and brought home a gorgeous dozen red roses with on pink rose for Jenn (my angel girl) and 2 pink carnations for Mittens and Tigger (our 2 angel cats). BUT, he had ordered them last week and had to pick them up.... soooo conclusion is it's a lot less hurtful to not receive flowers or aknowledgement at all than to receive them because "it's required or the thing to do". In other words, if they don't mean anything it really stinks! I just have to remind myself that he meant it when he ordered them even if he didn't when he gave them to me yesterday. Right??? *sigh* Hopefully his mood is improved today!

For those of you who don't know me well, you'll learn about Jenn as time goes by. Here is a layout of her from my Grandmother's 80th B'Day album I did this past summer.

Work has been busy busy lately. I'll take a picture of the gorgeous flowers later and post. Also keep you eyes open. Never know when I'm going to sneak a freebie in here.

Team pictures for Ollie's ice hockey team are tonight.


Anonymous said...

such a sweet layout... don;t think i've seen that one before.

Hoep yuor day is much better today... sorry about the crabby Hubby- i have one of those too!

Love ya girlie!

Lukasmummy said...

She was one very beautiful baby thank you for sharing your layout its stunning. I don't know your situation but I do understand how it feels to lose a child if you ever need to talk feel free to email me
(i'm lukasmummy @ Divine)