Sheesh where did time go? I can't believe I haven't posted since last week. I guess we are still celebrating Ollie's MVP award. Also we've been trying to really clean the house up. Two reasons, one it's a disaster from hockey season and two my mother and nephew are arriving this afternoon for a visit. I've lived in New Jersey for 11 years now but this is my Mom's first visit here. They will be here through Saturday afternoon. It's my nephew's first flight ever and we are taking both my mom and nephew to their very first hockey game ever tonight. NJ Devils vs. Ottawa Senators. Think they'll be surprised when they see us dressed up in our jerseys, all the pins on our jerseys and my blinking horns?????
I finished the Pajama Party Add-On Alpha and it's now in the stores! It's a perfect compliment to the Pajama Party kit, but would work with so many other layouts too. I'm thinking it would be perfect for baby and toddler pix... even Easter! Here's the preview (as always thank you to the wonderful Miss Vickie!!!!!!!!!!!!):
You can find it in my stores:
The Scrapping Garden
Also at Digitals I contributed a piece of the challenge kit this month. you can find my piece of the kit here.
If you collect my piece and also participate in the challenges going on at Digitals you can end up collecting a whole beautiful kit! Believe me, I've seen the other pieces and this kit is really pretty. Here's a look at my part. You'll notice this is where the inspiration for the colors came from for my jeweled paper freebie that was on the blog last week. You have all convinced me that I should make that a whole kit and I'm going to start adding pieces. I have to tell you that the jeweled paper was a "happy accident". Don't you just love those!
Hugs to all!
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