Monday, May 11, 2009

Checking in ...

I know, I know... I'm such a blogging failure these days. Ever since my creativity took a hike, I haven't been much of a blogger either. All I can say is I am trying and hope to get more balanced.

Here's hoping that everyone had a very happy Mother's Day! I really enjoyed my day. The boys made me breakfast (well after I made the homemade pancake batter for them). Rather than pick out flowers for the flowerbeds for me, they took me on Friday night to pick out some myself. I've been planting lots of perennials the past few years and don't plant near the number of summer annuals as I did. I got a gorgeous hanging basket, plants for another really neat hanging basket they got me the weekend before, some summer annuals and some new perennials. I need to take pictures of them. After breakfast they gave me some fun Mother's Day goodies. One of my favorites is this really cute cake pan from Williams Sonoma.

I can't wait to try it out. Doesn't it look like fun?
After that it was outside to play in the dirt. It was a gorgeous day and I managed to get all the flower beds cleaned out, all my seeds started in peat pots and about 1/3 of my planting done. We had to stop early to clean up and get ready to go to dinner. They took me to my favorite Italian place and Ollie drove us home from dinner. He's doing better and better, but I'm not sure I'm less nervous yet! LOL
Last night Ollie gave me the first installment of a story he's been writing. It's inspired by "I am Legend", but so far has a different twist. His writing is very imaginative and descriptive. I'm impressed. He's trying to decide now if he wants to drop his digital photography elective for next year and take a creative writing class instead. I hope to finish reading it tonight and will have to give my further review.
Ok, too many things to do today... hopefully I'll make it back here tomorrow!
Enjoy your day!

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