Friday, August 27, 2010

August is almost over????

Say it isn't so!  I never got around to posting my August wallpaper, but I guess better late than never.

Don and I finally made it back to the balloon festival this year.  Ollie went to the shore for the day with friends so we went to the early  morning launch without him.  We had to be there by 6:30 a.m. but it was well worth getting up at 4:30 to do it.  The balloons as always were beautiful.  It was super hot that day so it was good to walk around and get everything done early.  Then we took our time driving back and ended up having a really nice day. 

Work has been insane and upside down lately.  Seems like everything else too... just can't seem to find a good groove these days.....

Can't believe that school starts next week and Ollie starts his senior year.  Where did the time go?  It's sad to think I'll be taking the last of his "first day of school" pictures.

Ah well lots to get done, better get to it!

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