Monday, November 8, 2010

New!! Teal Appeal

Ever get sidetracked by life?  That's sure what happened to me last week.  Ollie is very interested in our family history so he and I jumped back into researching our family tree.  I forgot how all consuming it is when you start searching and finding branches of the family.  We made some great progress and found lots of fun and interesting things.  There is so much more to be done though.  It's really one of those projects I'm not sure you ever finish because it just grows and grows and grows.  Of course it's really tough to keep track of when families had 12 and 13 kids and named all of them the same names.

Anyhow, long story short I got so involved that I didn't finish the previews and get Teal Appeal into the store until today even though I was done with everything but the previews last Monday.

Introducing Teal Appeal:

Truly "feel" the teal in this luxuriously, silky kit. Teal is a wonderfully honest color that represents emotion as it combines the attributes of both blue and green; green, the strongest feeling of happiness and blue, the deepest feeling of sadness. Teal is that line between happiness and sadness, that line that will define which color is more appropriate, which emotion is real. Your layouts are sure to stand out with this emotion evoking hue as its main focus.


10 Patterned and Textured Papers
1 Teal Ovarian Cancer Awareness Ribbon
1 Bead Border
1 Bookplate
1 Bow
2 Sets Brackets
1 Fan
1 Fishbowl
1 Flower
1 Flower Branch
1 Flower Border
2 Frames
1 Journal Mat
1 Mat
1 Paperclip
3 Ribbons
1 Ribbon Wrap
1 Swirl
1 Swirl Clip
2 Tags
1 WordArt Mat

A huge thanks to Beth for the wonderful description!  She's amazing and helps me out so much.  I bounce a lot of ideas off of her and she's always so gracious about helping me out.

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