Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Quick update ...

Struggling to keep up with anything. With Ollie's accident it seems like everything is a whirlwind. Didn't help that my parents showed up on Saturday. My stepmom flew out yesterday for Alaska and Dad is pretty much staying with us (outside in his RV) until at least August 9th or 10th when she returns. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

We took Ollie to the ER for a wound check on Sunday. Took about 3 hours of waiting. Good news is there is no infection and it seems he is healing well. He has sensation in all fingers and can move everything. It's hard for him to open his hand all the way, but that's because it pulls the wound on the wrist. They say everything looks normal and the prognosis is still very good. We have an appointment next Monday with the pediatrician and hopefully get stitches out. The pediatrician is in charge of when he can resume hockey since the ER doctor turned the case over to them now. I've taken several pictures of his stitches and need to get them off the camera. I'll post when I get a chance. There will definitely be a layout or two about this adventure!

Finished up a bunch of stuff for TSG last night. Made it in by the deadline for the newsletter. I am the featured designer in the August newsletter. Look for a question and answer section about me, a coupon and a gift. I'll post when it's available and hope you'll all check it out.

Need to get Box of Dreams organized for August. Haven't decided what the weekly challenges are going to be yet. I'm taking requests.... *hint hint*

Also working on some grab bag goodies for a grab bag at TSG coming sometime in August. I'm also struggling with my description on my kit, "Rachel and Friends". I need to get that organized an in my stores. Speaking of stores, I've decided to leave DigiScrapShak for now. I just don't have time to do justice to three stores right now and need to get settled. I didn't feel it was as good a fit there, even though the ladies there are really lovely. I'd like to take on a third store when I get more organized and stuff.

Ok, so maybe this was more than a quick update ... hehe



Mojo said...

Glad to hear/read that Ollie is healing. Don't forget to take some pampering time for yourself ::hugs::

Raylene said...

How about Font challenges?