Friday, April 13, 2007

WONDERFUL news and a new kit!


Woohooooo for Ollie! He made the team! He's now on the Kodiak Midget A team. How exciting is that? Always a relief to have tryouts over and especially with such good news. I can't even begin to tell you how proud we are of him. He's worked hard and earned this .... his work ethic is amazing to me and it's starting to pay off for him. Can you see me beaming!? He's officially no longer a Bantam in any capacity as he's already moved up to playing Midget/High School for the spring season. I can't believe he'll start high school in the fall! Where did my little boy go?

I finished the new monogram kit and it's already uploaded to TSG and should be in the other stores today. I'm very excited about this one. It's called "Dream Your Own Monogram for Spring". I think if people like it and it goes well then I'll do a summer, fall and winter one. Maybe also some for the holidays. I had a ball making it and a lot of fun playing with it too. I can see this being a staple for many layouts. Good stuff!


EvaK said...

This alpha is darling!! Great idea. :)

dedesmith32 said...

YAY OLLIE! That's awesome!

And I love your new kit!